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MTANZ Health & Safety Protocols
Dental Expo 2025


These guidelines are intended as a source of information on health and safety management. It does not purport to be comprehensive, or to render expert or legal advice.

Medical Technology Association of New Zealand (MTANZ) does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of omissions of any statement opinion, advice or information in these guidelines.

All MTANZ exhibitors or MTANZ contractors coming onto the event property must abide by all relevant Legislation, Standards, Codes of Practice and Site Safety rules.  MTANZ places a high priority on all safety issues for the duration of the event.

MTANZ reserves the right to stop or suspend all works if the health and safety obligations of contractors, exhibitors, or any individuals are not being met.  Work cannot recommence until evidence that health and safety obligations are being met.  MTANZ will not be responsible for any costs associated with work stoppages, equipment damage loss, or costs associated with any inspection services.

There are 2 ways to view the Health & Safety information.

Either by downloading the 2 documents below, completing and returning to
Read the content below and complete the online form at the bottom of this page. If you have Hazard or Risks that you need to notify MTANZ about, then download the form and email to

Part 1: General

1.1          Introduction

This document has been provided to assist MTANZ Organisers, Staff, Exhibitors, and Contractors meet their legislative health and safety obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and to provide information on standards that must be observed while working on a MTANZ event/exhibition.

Part 2: On-Site Health & Safety for Exhibitors

2.1        To obtain access to the Exhibition area by any exhibitor, the exhibitor must read and sign this document therefore demonstrating that they understand these Health & Safety protocols for MTANZ exhibitions/conferences.

2.2        This exhibition will be monitored for Health & Safety risks for the duration of the event.

Part 3: First Aid

3.1        MTANZ will have available a Workplace qualified First Aider for the duration of the event.

3.2        A MTANZ representative will be the designated person who will perform basic first aid should it be required. In any emergency 111 will be called.

3.3        MTANZ will hold a basic first aid kit for the duration of the event.

Part 4: Exhibitor Rules and Protocols

1.     Alcohol - Alcohol cannot be served from stands.

2.     Atmospheric conditions - Care will be taken to meet atmospheric conditions in the workplace to include room temperature, humidity, air velocity, and amount of radiant heat plus the quantity of fresh air available.

3.     Catering - Any item of food or drink giveaways (this includes coffee machines within your space) must be pre-approved by the MTANZ Exhibition Manager.  Exhibitors are not permitted to sell, or cook food within the exhibition area.

4.     Children on Site - Children (a person 15 years or under) are not permitted entry to the exhibition build site at any time during pack-in or pack-out.

5.     Cleanliness - Venue staff will clean the premises after use in the evening. Exhibitors are requested to place rubbish in rubbish bins. At no time should rubbish be placed in front of Emergency Exits.

6.     Custom Built Stands - Any stand built over 2.4 meters in height needs to be pre-approved by MTANZ. Any rigging, scaffolding or temporary structure suspended from the ceiling needs to be pre-approved by MTANZ.

7.     Damages - The Exhibitor shall take all reasonable care when installing/dismantling its equipment and stand as not to cause damage to the venue carpet, walls and floors and the prefabrication booths supplied by the MTANZ contractor, including the panels, fascia and spotlights. The Exhibitor will be responsible for repairs if the structures are damaged.

8.     Electricity/Power to Stands - Exhibition Hire Services and Show Light & Power are the main exhibition electrical contractors.  At every event the MTANZ Exhibition Manager and a Exhibition Hire Services / Show Light & Power representative will check that all power leads are tagged and dated correctly.  Exhibitors are not permitted to move power cords, a Show Light & Power staff member must do this.

9.     Evacuation Procedures - Immediate evacuation must commence if there is a continuous sounding of the Fire Alarms.  All occupants, customers and visitors are to evacuate the building immediately.  If a Warden issues a verbal command to evacuate, their instructions are to be followed.  Turn off critical appliances and systems (if safe to do so), close doors behind you (if safe to do so) but do not lock the door. Leave the lights on.  Assist and direct any visitors to the nearest safe exit as you leave and escort them to your designated assembly area.

  • DO commence evacuation immediately on the Evacuation Alert.

  • DO Follow all fire exit signs.

  • DO Turn off critical appliances and systems (if safe to do so).

  • DO Close the door as you leave the room (if safe to do so).

  • DO Use your designated assembly area.

  • DO NOT Run

  • DO NOT Return for personal belongings.

  • DO NOT Carry food or drinks during an evacuation.

  • DO NOT Return to the building for any reason until the all clear is given.

10.  Exhibitor Registration - All personnel must be registered and name badges must be worn at all times.

11.  Fire Regulations - Actions to be taken if you discover a fire: Activate the fire alarm or dial “111”, from a safe phone, and ask the operator for the Fire Service.

  • When connected, inform the Fire Service of a fire.

  • Give the precise location of the fire if known any other helpful information.

  • Do not replace receiver until the Fire Service repeats the address back to you.

  • If you cannot contact the Fire Service from your premises then ring once you have left the building (from a neighboring building or by mobile phone).

12.  Fork & Scissor Lifts - Any person that is engaged to use a fork lift for work on a MTANZ event must have a current Fork Lift license.  The license must be sited by the MTANZ Exhibition Manager prior to work commencing. Any person that is engaged to use a scissor lift for work on a MTANZ event must be from an approved electrical supplier.

13.  Heavy Items - No lifting of heavy items.  Trolleys must be used to move packaging/crates.

14.  High Visibility Jackets - All MTANZ staff, Exhibition Hire Services and Exhibition Hire Services / Show Light & Power staff or anyone entering the exhibition designated areas in the ‘build’ phase is required to wear High Visibility jacket. 

15.  Ladders and use of Chairs – Exhibitors may not use ladders or climb on chairs at MTANZ run exhibitions.

16.  MTANZ Floor Managers - A MTANZ Exhibition Manager will be available throughout pack-in, as well as during and after the show – Health & Safety monitoring will occur for the duration of the event. The MTANZ Exhibition Manager can answer your questions about Health & Safety for exhibitors and MTANZ Contractors.

17.  Noise - Exhibitors may advertise within their stand area and may use amplifiers or videos, but at all times the noise, level must be reasonable. The MTANZ Exhibition Manager will prohibit or regulate any noise level that is considered an annoyance to others or exceeds Health & Safety Guidelines.

18.  Overcrowding - MTANZ staff will patrol and if overcrowding becomes apparent will cease further entry by staff/exhibitors/contractors/public/delegates.

19.  Rest rooms - The service of these will be done regularly during the day by venue staff.

20.  Safe Means of Access and Egress - A safe means of access and egress will be provided in the Exhibition area and conference rooms by ensuring all fire exits are clear of clutter.

21.  Signage – Signage (Health and Safety) will be in place for the safety of MTANZ Organisers, Staff, Exhibitors, and Contractors – please ensure you read and are aware of the risks.

22.  Smoking - All MTANZ exhibitions are smoke free.

23.  No person engaged or employed in any place of work should, without reasonable cause, do anything likely to endanger themselves or any other person.

Part 5:  Accident & Incident Recording, Reporting & Investigation Procedure

  • All accidents, incidents and near misses, must be notified to the MTANZ Exhibition Manager (on-site).

  • Do not disturb the scene! Seek approval by the MTANZ Exhibition Manager before releasing or disturbing the scene.

  • All accidents, incidents and near misses must be recorded on the Accident/Incident Register (held by the MTANZ Exhibition Manager).

  • All Hazards must be recorded on the Hazard Report Form and handed to the MTANZ Exhibition Manager as soon as identified on site.

  • All serious harm accidents to any person e.g. employee(s), contractors, volunteers and other person(s) are to be notified to Worksafe as soon as possible.

  • With support from the MTANZ Exhibition Manager and your manager, a “Notification of Circumstances of Accident or Serious Harm” form, is to be forwarded to the nearest Worksafe Office within seven (7) days of the event.

Part 6:  What do I do if there is an injury?

In the case of a serious harm injury, call emergency number 111. 
Worksafe should be notified by telephone as soon as possible after you are aware of the event. 
You should not interfere with the scene except to prevent further injury to persons or damage to property, until a Worksafe inspector has been contacted and determined the appropriate action.  Where the police are on the scene to investigate, you should also follow their instructions.

Part 7:  Register of Accidents

The MTANZ Exhibition Manager maintains a register of accidents that caused harm, or that could have led to harm (“near misses”) to either employees or other visiting the workplace/exhibition.  Any health or safety problem regardless of how serious, minor or near miss, will be recorded in the register of accidents.

Definition of “Serious Harm”

Cases of serious harm will be reported to Worksafe as soon as the MTANZ Exhibition Manager is made aware of them.

1.     Serious Harm” refers to either an accident of an illness that arises from work-related activity that causes permanent or temporary severe loss of bodily function, such as: Respiratory disease, Noise-induced hearing loss, Neurological disease, Cancer, Dermatological disease, Communicable disease, Musculoskeletal disease, Illness caused by exposure to infected material, Decompression sickness, Poisoning, Vision impairment, Chemical or hot metal burn of eye, Penetrating wound of eye, Bone fracture, Laceration, Crushing

2.     Amputation of body part.

3.     Burns requiring referral to a specialist registered medical practitioner or specialist outpatient clinic.

4.     Loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen.

5.     Loss of consciousness, or acute illness requiring treatment by a registered medical practitioner, from absorption, inhalation, or ingestion of any substance.

6.     Any harm that causes the person harmed to be hospitalised for a period of 48 hours or more commencing within 7 days of the harms occurrence.

7.     Harm also includes physical or mental harm caused by work-related stress.

Part 8:  Accident Contact Details and Health & Safety Resources

Accident or serious harm in case of emergency

Contact emergency services by phoning 111.

If you are reporting a hazardous substances emergency, please call the New Zealand Fire Service on 111 and then our Response Team directly on 0800 030 040.

It is a legal requirement not to disturb an accident scene until clearance is authorised by a health and safety inspector except in certain situations, including when persons or property are at risk, as provided for by section 26 of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992. If you require scene clearance or other immediate assistance from a health and safety inspector, please call 0800 030 040.

Acceptance of Terms

Please complete the following fields to accept the terms and conditions/protocols outlined above. 
By completing the following fields, I understand that I will educate all our on-site staff of the above Health & Safety requirements and each staff member will be provided a copy of these requirements prior to coming on site at Dental Expo 2025.  I understand that if I have identified hazards or risks, I will download the form and send to MTANZ.  I understand that failure to complete the following form means no access to the exhibition areas.  

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